This has been a super crazy busy month! Lots going on with the end of football, school, and shows. I finally have a break - unless I find something for this coming weekend! lol I'll be using this time to get some stuff together for a weekend show - both days - at a local Y. First day there's going to be a swim meet there, so I'd like to have a bunch of goodies to sell!
This past week I had a show Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday. Saturday was my best day with decent sales and lots of interest. Hoping I can do well at my next show! I figure I can make up a bunch of different gifts in a jar, dips in a bag, Jiffy labels, "heritage" jars, "inspiration" jars, cocoa bags, tea bags, popcorn wrappers, candy wrappers, cocoa cones, and some baked goods.
Looking for a better printer. I'll have to call one of my kids school (late phone meeting! Yikes!!) since it looks like her printer isn't working now. *sigh* I think we have another one with issues too. I really need one I can rely on and that doesn't suck up ink like mad!!
I'm looking to do shows beyond the Christmas holidays. I'll showcase my businesses, but I'd also like to have some crafts to have on hand for cash and carry items. For UL, I have ornaments with our sample words on (they seem to do well), but what about for Valentine's day and Easter? Hmmm. I'll have to see what all I can do for them.
Taking a break is hard, but I do need some time to build up stock of crafts and get my paperwork organized for shows. Mainly getting together some "hostess packs" and "new sign up" packs. Maybe I can get some recruits from the shows! I'd like my hubby to make me a display board. He can cut the one large one in half and add some sort of strip of wood so I can attach it to the table with clamps. I'll also be taking milk crates (need more space on my tables) - unless I can get a good deal on a plastic shelf unit. Then I could show off more product when shows are a bit costly and I can only afford one table.
I see a Vista Print order in my future! I'm out of some cards, and thinking I could use a banner or 2 for my shows. I'll have to see what kind of special they're having so I can take full advantage of a stamper, labels, cards, postcards, etc.
That's all for now. Just wanted to update quick while I had a moment - now my peace is being shattered, so I have to go beat some kids:)
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
2 weeks already?!
I've been busy with shows, finding shows, and getting ready for shows, I've neglected my blog! Not that my shows have been "good" for me, but I am talking to other vendors and getting ideas on where to try next. This weekend is Bingo weekend for me. Not too sure if Saturday is still on or what's going on, but I'm getting my prizes, tricky tray items and unsold bingo tickets to hand in tomorrow. I'll have to refigure my displays again since it'll be a smaller space and only for Uppercase Living and Noah's Ark - I will have my paperwork for Bella Beads925 there, and maybe I'll do flyers or 4 to a page flyers about what all I sell and my blogs. *grin* Since I'm still finding shows, I can't put them down. I don't have too much in my book from here on out. In fact, this weekend might be booked, but then I'm pretty much open. I better get busy with calls this week! I'll also get busy making some goodies to sell when I do the craft shows that allow handmade items only.
I have been listing on ebay the past couple of days. I'm hoping to keep up the momentum and add stuff all week. So far it's just been books I was given that we have no use for - and there's no room for more books! There will also be books and other stuff I find lying around the house. If the littles aren't behaving better soon, there may be one or two up for auction soon! I've been watching way too many Hoarders shows and have the need to purge. Since I can't just toss stuff (we need the money), I can list them for auction since ebay is letting me do 100 with free insertions. Just pay when they sell. I can also list on webstore for free (no fees at all), just less of an audience. I'm pacybermom24 on ebay.
I hope to post some pics from shows I've done to let people see my displays. I've changed them a bit here and there. Mainly since I went from outdoors to indoors. Some outdoor shows I had to improvise since the weather wasn't ideal - windy- but I was able to hand out flyers and get people to show interest. Let's hope they follow through and stop by my site and order!
I have been listing on ebay the past couple of days. I'm hoping to keep up the momentum and add stuff all week. So far it's just been books I was given that we have no use for - and there's no room for more books! There will also be books and other stuff I find lying around the house. If the littles aren't behaving better soon, there may be one or two up for auction soon! I've been watching way too many Hoarders shows and have the need to purge. Since I can't just toss stuff (we need the money), I can list them for auction since ebay is letting me do 100 with free insertions. Just pay when they sell. I can also list on webstore for free (no fees at all), just less of an audience. I'm pacybermom24 on ebay.
I hope to post some pics from shows I've done to let people see my displays. I've changed them a bit here and there. Mainly since I went from outdoors to indoors. Some outdoor shows I had to improvise since the weather wasn't ideal - windy- but I was able to hand out flyers and get people to show interest. Let's hope they follow through and stop by my site and order!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Ahhh, rainy Mondays
After a busy, full weekend I expected to unpack the truck and sort my displays and supplies before Saturdays show. Rain stopped that. Then my dh was rearended on his way home. *sigh* Luckily he wasn't hurt, but his truck was. So, while he's busy at work with ds and a coworker switching trucks I'm here with the littles doing school and looking for crafts I can do. While I'm doing alot of vendor shows, there are a few that only want handmade crafts. If I can get enough made, I'll do a few and have some flyers and such out for my other stuff.
Saturday's show I'd have to say was a bust. Even my dd (my main helper) agrees. Weather was ok (but windy), it was mainly the location. No real parking available, and not a good venue. Know for next year! Sunday's car show, on the other hand, was a good day. Very cold in the morning, but it did warm up a bit, but the wind was still kicking. Good crowds all day! I know what to have on hand for next year and did make notes. I did hear Saturdays show wasn't good in the past. *sigh* Hoping things have changed! Making more journal jars (sold 4 Sunday and I got them out late due to having to cut out all the prompts after we got there and set up). I'll have to redo my list of what I need to pack. Dh needs to check my shoe holder I use for the animals (it's wobbly) and I'll sort through all the boxes and bags we have packed. I can make some signs and redo some displays. This one is indoors, so I'll have to reconfigure a new display for everything. Make up some of the trifolds - since they won't be blowing away now!
Still looking to book shows in November and December. May have a lead on one for the end of October. We do have a football game that night, but the show should end around 3 and the game is at 7. I'll try to get info tomorrow and see what all is involved. If I can get enough crafts made and if I can put out my business stuff, maybe. Cost and space size is also an issue. I know they have a decent turnout since it's at the community college by us. They always get a good crowd.
I love my helper! She chose Applebee's for supper Sunday - my treat for all her hard work. I think all the littles will get Applebee's on the 31st since they eat free (off the kids menu) with an adult menu purchase. We'll see if the teens get to go or if they'll be with friends.
I still have a bunch of surveys I have to do - trying to make some money while at home with the kids. I did think about a night shift job, but then tried to think of when I'd get to sleep when I have 4 doing school, plus everything else going on here. I'll be posting more work at home ideas on my other blog soon. Not sure if I'll get to it this week or not. Still have alot to do getting ready for a show. I think I'll leave Sunday open so I can get stuff done around here. I've been doing too many shows that require long drives. Need to find more local ones. Hoping the churches start having their bazaars and craft shows soon!
Ok, stopping here so I can do my surveys before heading to bed.
Saturday's show I'd have to say was a bust. Even my dd (my main helper) agrees. Weather was ok (but windy), it was mainly the location. No real parking available, and not a good venue. Know for next year! Sunday's car show, on the other hand, was a good day. Very cold in the morning, but it did warm up a bit, but the wind was still kicking. Good crowds all day! I know what to have on hand for next year and did make notes. I did hear Saturdays show wasn't good in the past. *sigh* Hoping things have changed! Making more journal jars (sold 4 Sunday and I got them out late due to having to cut out all the prompts after we got there and set up). I'll have to redo my list of what I need to pack. Dh needs to check my shoe holder I use for the animals (it's wobbly) and I'll sort through all the boxes and bags we have packed. I can make some signs and redo some displays. This one is indoors, so I'll have to reconfigure a new display for everything. Make up some of the trifolds - since they won't be blowing away now!
Still looking to book shows in November and December. May have a lead on one for the end of October. We do have a football game that night, but the show should end around 3 and the game is at 7. I'll try to get info tomorrow and see what all is involved. If I can get enough crafts made and if I can put out my business stuff, maybe. Cost and space size is also an issue. I know they have a decent turnout since it's at the community college by us. They always get a good crowd.
I love my helper! She chose Applebee's for supper Sunday - my treat for all her hard work. I think all the littles will get Applebee's on the 31st since they eat free (off the kids menu) with an adult menu purchase. We'll see if the teens get to go or if they'll be with friends.
I still have a bunch of surveys I have to do - trying to make some money while at home with the kids. I did think about a night shift job, but then tried to think of when I'd get to sleep when I have 4 doing school, plus everything else going on here. I'll be posting more work at home ideas on my other blog soon. Not sure if I'll get to it this week or not. Still have alot to do getting ready for a show. I think I'll leave Sunday open so I can get stuff done around here. I've been doing too many shows that require long drives. Need to find more local ones. Hoping the churches start having their bazaars and craft shows soon!
Ok, stopping here so I can do my surveys before heading to bed.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Busy weekend!
I need a few extra hours - anyone have any to spare? Tomorrow, while ds has his football meeting, I'll be making PB&J's for the team (before game snack). Then home for schooling, cleaning, wash, GAME!!!! Home to pack the truck and get ready for a church show tomorrow. I should be able to get in a nap after that one. Sunday is a longer show (car show), so I'm not hopeful on the nap. *sigh* I'll be checking displays, seeing about building one to hang stuff and one to display the photo print I have. Maybe add some of the chalk wall I have - flowers - just to show how cute it is! I'll hand out a fundraiser flyer at the game - cheerleaders get no school money, they have to fundraise all their needs. I'll also look into other flyers to have for the shows. I know I'm going to make some up to hand out at different businesses. Hand them out in person if I can (I did a mailing and I got a bunch returned!). Not sure where I can get "good" addresses, since I used online and the new phone book last time.
I'm hoping to blog more soon, but I'm not sure where I'll get the time! Ds should be finalized with his school soon (waiting on paperwork), once I get the meeting set up dd (2nd grade) will start. I already have a 3rd grader (with 4th grade math) and a K doing school. Little guy getting into stuff and the 18 yo doing nothing. She needs a job. Even just part time. She needs out of my hair if she's not going to help. I have enough stress right now and really don't need more!
Good night all! Hope to see you this weekend! ~ BTW- it's now 99 days until Christmas! (12:02 am here)
I'm hoping to blog more soon, but I'm not sure where I'll get the time! Ds should be finalized with his school soon (waiting on paperwork), once I get the meeting set up dd (2nd grade) will start. I already have a 3rd grader (with 4th grade math) and a K doing school. Little guy getting into stuff and the 18 yo doing nothing. She needs a job. Even just part time. She needs out of my hair if she's not going to help. I have enough stress right now and really don't need more!
Good night all! Hope to see you this weekend! ~ BTW- it's now 99 days until Christmas! (12:02 am here)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I have 2 more shows this weekend! Yeah me!! One is a church show, the other is a car show. I'd like to get some displays made - not actual product, but something to show my photo print and hang some displays. Maybe I can talk dh into a Lowe's trip after Chik Fil A tonight (fundraiser for football). Just something quick that we can throw together and is easy to transport since it's just me and the 9 yo at the shows.
Things have been so busy my house is starting to look seriously neglected. Yikes!! It wasn't organized to begin with, and it's looking worse than ever now. *sigh* Going to need to take an hour or so and start the was cycle back up, fold wash and sort through my ever growing pile of papers.
Maybe if I get busy I can have some of the crafts I've been wanting to sell ready for this weekend. Nothing to ambitious! I'm schooling 2 kids, waiting on final confirmation on one, and waiting on the replacement (2nd) birth certificate on another. I *need* to get this stuff done now before schooling all 4 on a daily basis starts. Then I'll really have no time to do much!
Looking at my calendar, I'm thinking I'm not going to sign up for anymore shows unless they're *very* local. I'm pretty much booked until regular season ends, and I need to get stuff done here in that time. Not like I sleep alot, but I can't do much at night when everyone is sleeping. I'm exhausted, but there's too much to get done for a nap. Maybe before Saturday so I'm not yawning all day at the show. That doesn't make a very good impression!
Anyone know where the blue file box went? I used it for shows earlier in the year and it went missing. It has some paperwork and supplies I could really use for these shows! ARGH!! I definitely need to declutter and get organized. Can't have my stuff go missing when I'm trying to make some money!
My next night off? Tuesday. GEEZ!! Tonight is the fundraiser, tomorrow is the booster meeting, Friday is game day, Saturday and Sunday are shows and Monday is the freshmen/JV game. Better do a meal plan for those days. Have some stuff we can do in the crock pot - best bet!
Ok, going to finish school with one so I can start with another before getting the football player and hitting the restaurant.
Things have been so busy my house is starting to look seriously neglected. Yikes!! It wasn't organized to begin with, and it's looking worse than ever now. *sigh* Going to need to take an hour or so and start the was cycle back up, fold wash and sort through my ever growing pile of papers.
Maybe if I get busy I can have some of the crafts I've been wanting to sell ready for this weekend. Nothing to ambitious! I'm schooling 2 kids, waiting on final confirmation on one, and waiting on the replacement (2nd) birth certificate on another. I *need* to get this stuff done now before schooling all 4 on a daily basis starts. Then I'll really have no time to do much!
Looking at my calendar, I'm thinking I'm not going to sign up for anymore shows unless they're *very* local. I'm pretty much booked until regular season ends, and I need to get stuff done here in that time. Not like I sleep alot, but I can't do much at night when everyone is sleeping. I'm exhausted, but there's too much to get done for a nap. Maybe before Saturday so I'm not yawning all day at the show. That doesn't make a very good impression!
Anyone know where the blue file box went? I used it for shows earlier in the year and it went missing. It has some paperwork and supplies I could really use for these shows! ARGH!! I definitely need to declutter and get organized. Can't have my stuff go missing when I'm trying to make some money!
My next night off? Tuesday. GEEZ!! Tonight is the fundraiser, tomorrow is the booster meeting, Friday is game day, Saturday and Sunday are shows and Monday is the freshmen/JV game. Better do a meal plan for those days. Have some stuff we can do in the crock pot - best bet!
Ok, going to finish school with one so I can start with another before getting the football player and hitting the restaurant.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Busy week!
I can't believe it's Wednesday already! Didn't have time to make any calls this week (for football or business), so tomorrow will be some business calls for shows. I'll just make an extra pasta dish and grab the salad stuff.
The shows I'll be calling about are Saturday and Sunday! Add in a night game Saturday and I'll need Monday to recover! lol I need to get my organizing binder set up so I can make sure what dates I have open for home parties and other shows. I'll be making up some flyers of "package deals" to show how to use our accessories with the expressions. Now to figure out all the places I need to target - like doctor offices, dentists, schools, libraries (although with all our budget cuts, unlikely customers), salons, etc.
I'm hoping for some more church shows. They're usually guaranteed a good turn out since the parishoners stop by. I do need to redesign my tables though. Add some covered boxes and definitely have to stop by the dollar store for table cloths. I'd like to get pictures of my displays too. Then I can take a look later to see if things need moved or changed.
Really wish I could do a show here, but not going to happen. I'll just have to sign up for all the vendor shows I can find right now. I'll need to get an order in for catalogs and a Vista Print order for my supplies. I can do a quick print of some cards for this weekend, plus I do have trifolds I can give out.
Here's hoping for a great weekend! My to do list for the rest of the week is packed, but will be worth it once orders start to pour in!
The shows I'll be calling about are Saturday and Sunday! Add in a night game Saturday and I'll need Monday to recover! lol I need to get my organizing binder set up so I can make sure what dates I have open for home parties and other shows. I'll be making up some flyers of "package deals" to show how to use our accessories with the expressions. Now to figure out all the places I need to target - like doctor offices, dentists, schools, libraries (although with all our budget cuts, unlikely customers), salons, etc.
I'm hoping for some more church shows. They're usually guaranteed a good turn out since the parishoners stop by. I do need to redesign my tables though. Add some covered boxes and definitely have to stop by the dollar store for table cloths. I'd like to get pictures of my displays too. Then I can take a look later to see if things need moved or changed.
Really wish I could do a show here, but not going to happen. I'll just have to sign up for all the vendor shows I can find right now. I'll need to get an order in for catalogs and a Vista Print order for my supplies. I can do a quick print of some cards for this weekend, plus I do have trifolds I can give out.
Here's hoping for a great weekend! My to do list for the rest of the week is packed, but will be worth it once orders start to pour in!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Time to get busy!
I managed to do a vendor show with Lexi (9) helping. I figured out how to do my tables for next show so it looks better. I also found more of my stuff so I can make a couple other displays. Working on getting some more supplies for shows coming up. Some displays for Uppercase Living, catalogs, cards, gift certificates, etc. For Noah's Ark, I need more animals, a holder, and the cards and such. With the shows coming up, I can sell the animals there, while UL is more personal, so I'll be able to take orders or direct them to my site to place their orders.
I am running 2 fundraisers! One is for a couple adopting 2 Down Syndrome girls from overseas (I forget the country), and the other is for a friend's daughter who was chosen to do a Student Ambassador trip to Europe. This is the second year she was asked, and the mom didn't know the different ways to get sponsors or do fundraising. So far I had one order on UL for the adoption fundraiser. Hoping for more so they can make money! I make nothing from them - I donate all my earnings to them.
Trying to get organized with my businesses. Joined a group to help and I'm hoping to get some business out of this. Maybe once I do up the package deal flyers and get some catalogs, I'll go around to different businesses to see if there's any interest. I'd love for the UL to really take off, but I'm realistic, and am just hoping for a few orders! lol One of my goals this week is to do a facebook page for my businesses. See if i can drum up any interest with that. I know some others have gotten lucky and use facebook for specials. Time will tell! Things are getting crazy here with schooling and football, so I need to keep my planner up to date. Lots of dinners, games and classes. This year I'll also have 2 testing. *sigh*
I'm also trying to declutter so I can set up a dedicated desk space for my businesses. I use my laptop mainly, but I'd like to have desk space for paperwork and such. I'll have totes of different sizes for supplies to take to shows, but I'd like someplace to store it so I can keep track of what I have and what I need.
I'll try to get some new pics up on here this week. Got some great holiday stuff out - would make great gifts! You have until the 9th for 15% off orders of $40 or more!! After that we start a "double up" special. That's where you have a party (and it can be totally online), and you get bumped up a level of free/ half off goodies! Great way to decorate your home! I can't wait to be able to put what I have up in my home, but we're still dealing with an estate, and until things are final, I'm not doing any decorating - or fixing up, etc.
Time to start getting ready for tomorrow! Have a great week everyone!!
I am running 2 fundraisers! One is for a couple adopting 2 Down Syndrome girls from overseas (I forget the country), and the other is for a friend's daughter who was chosen to do a Student Ambassador trip to Europe. This is the second year she was asked, and the mom didn't know the different ways to get sponsors or do fundraising. So far I had one order on UL for the adoption fundraiser. Hoping for more so they can make money! I make nothing from them - I donate all my earnings to them.
Trying to get organized with my businesses. Joined a group to help and I'm hoping to get some business out of this. Maybe once I do up the package deal flyers and get some catalogs, I'll go around to different businesses to see if there's any interest. I'd love for the UL to really take off, but I'm realistic, and am just hoping for a few orders! lol One of my goals this week is to do a facebook page for my businesses. See if i can drum up any interest with that. I know some others have gotten lucky and use facebook for specials. Time will tell! Things are getting crazy here with schooling and football, so I need to keep my planner up to date. Lots of dinners, games and classes. This year I'll also have 2 testing. *sigh*
I'm also trying to declutter so I can set up a dedicated desk space for my businesses. I use my laptop mainly, but I'd like to have desk space for paperwork and such. I'll have totes of different sizes for supplies to take to shows, but I'd like someplace to store it so I can keep track of what I have and what I need.
I'll try to get some new pics up on here this week. Got some great holiday stuff out - would make great gifts! You have until the 9th for 15% off orders of $40 or more!! After that we start a "double up" special. That's where you have a party (and it can be totally online), and you get bumped up a level of free/ half off goodies! Great way to decorate your home! I can't wait to be able to put what I have up in my home, but we're still dealing with an estate, and until things are final, I'm not doing any decorating - or fixing up, etc.
Time to start getting ready for tomorrow! Have a great week everyone!!
Noah's Ark,
Uppercase Living
Friday, August 27, 2010
Show time!
Trying to get everything ready for the show tomorrow. Still need a shower and I have to find stuff JJ moved and maybe find some other product. I did manage to get the canopy and borrow tables. Maybe I'll toss in some of the nicer chairs for Lexi and I to sit on while we're there. Doesn't look like my EP link is mine right now, but it should be rerouted so I get credit soon!
Gotta run! Need to print some business "cards" on paper!
Gotta run! Need to print some business "cards" on paper!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Christmas in July
Can you believe it? Only 5 more months until Christmas! I'm looking at maybe doing a special or 2 for my businesses, but those would be posted tomorrow. I have some things to straighten out before I share them. I do have some pictures to share. The hostess specials for Uppercase Living for August and September. You don't have to live anywhere near me and do a party! You can even have friends who don't live near you order and once the order is put in, it goes to be made and sent. No waiting for the party to close! The other (if it loads right) is the brochure UL made for businesses. I have to wait to do a copy order, but I can show people here now. Plus you can still do your own in My Design Suite or even get a photo print.
Ok, for some reason it says my file is corrupt or something is wrong. You can always go to my site to see the hostess specials for August and September. The business brochure isn't a special one on my site, just things that can be used in a business. We also have new accessories! New colors in the tiles and frames, and more! Getting ready for a vendor show in August and I'm really excited about how I can showcase everything I want. Since I'm trying to beat the heat here, I've been staying inside. Not getting as much done as I'd like, but hopefully I'll get my businesses built up a bit before the school year starts. That's when things get really busy here!
I signed up for some more surveys. Now to find time to get them all done. Hoping they help bring in some money. Looking into a couple other things too. We'll see how things go in the next week or so. Getting organized for school and all my business stuff organized and ready to market. I plan to do some marketing as one business (hence the blog!), but still need to have my individual supplies. Might have to hire some littles with getting things put away like I want. Cheap labor - I can bribe them with night swimming! lol
That's all for tonight. I'll be back with a special for Christmas in July!
Ok, for some reason it says my file is corrupt or something is wrong. You can always go to my site to see the hostess specials for August and September. The business brochure isn't a special one on my site, just things that can be used in a business. We also have new accessories! New colors in the tiles and frames, and more! Getting ready for a vendor show in August and I'm really excited about how I can showcase everything I want. Since I'm trying to beat the heat here, I've been staying inside. Not getting as much done as I'd like, but hopefully I'll get my businesses built up a bit before the school year starts. That's when things get really busy here!
I signed up for some more surveys. Now to find time to get them all done. Hoping they help bring in some money. Looking into a couple other things too. We'll see how things go in the next week or so. Getting organized for school and all my business stuff organized and ready to market. I plan to do some marketing as one business (hence the blog!), but still need to have my individual supplies. Might have to hire some littles with getting things put away like I want. Cheap labor - I can bribe them with night swimming! lol
That's all for tonight. I'll be back with a special for Christmas in July!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I'm here!

Really, I am! I didn't forget about this blog!! Things have just been super crazy lately, plus my laptop is waiting for a new power cord (to do tomorrow, call Best Buy since I went in 5/31!).
The new Uppercase Living catalog starts on July 20th! So many new and exciting things coming! New colors, new accessories, new expressions. You can order directly from my site, so you don't have to live locally, or take the time for a party, you can do a single order.
The main change right now is I have to re-sign up for Enchanted Potions. Also the Bella Beads925 site isn't mine, but you can see what we have and let me know and I can do the order for you! If I sell enough beads I may decide to get the site, but can't justify the expense right now.
I'm available for fundraising. I can do a fundraiser with everything I sell. Just contact me and we can work something out. We can do UL with certain expressions, a UL party, the UL fundraiser they have set up (sports embellishments), or something else. With Noah's Ark, you can do gift certificates, or sell certain animals. Greeting Cake has a fundraiser set up (cakes), but with kids going off to college, you may decide to sell the study boxes. Bella Beads925, you have your choice of beads to sell or have a party. Then EP, you can sell anything for the fundraiser. There's lotions, soaps, air fresheners, and more!
Bella Beads925,
Enchanted Potions,
Greeting Cake Co,
new catalog,
Noah's Ark,
Uppercase Living
Friday, March 19, 2010
Buy 2 get 1 FREE
Uppercase Living is having a great sale from now until April 5th! Buy 2 and get 1 FREE - out of all our products! You can get something for your kids, parents or just yourself. If you buy a Frameworks, you can end up with 2 expressions/ embellishments (you get 4 inserts with the rectangular Frameworks, 1 insert with the square Frameworks). Think Mother's Day, Father's Day, Graduation or just to decorate a space.
I'm also going to be getting a Vista Print order. I got a great idea from another Rep to get the postcards as gift certificates. I'll have to check since I think the one email I got had free gift certificates available. This weekend will be my weekend to get all my business stuff sorted and organized. Looking to do some shows and it would be nice to just grab and go!
I've been working on some letters for my own special with Uppercase Living. I think I have to reword a little and add a disclaimer (they can take advantage of my special or UL's). I'll need to sit down and figure out more specials to have during the year. I figure if I can get a hotel or business to make a purchase, they could be repeat customers. Do things like buy canvas, paint it and get certain embellishments for a certain price. Maybe they'd also agree to let me leave my business cards there to get other business. We'll have to see how this mailing goes - once I get envelopes that is! lol
Today is a busy day and I just wanted to stop buy and let people know about the great deal! Stop by and check out what we have to offer! I did upgrade and you can put in your order right on my site.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!!
I'm also going to be getting a Vista Print order. I got a great idea from another Rep to get the postcards as gift certificates. I'll have to check since I think the one email I got had free gift certificates available. This weekend will be my weekend to get all my business stuff sorted and organized. Looking to do some shows and it would be nice to just grab and go!
I've been working on some letters for my own special with Uppercase Living. I think I have to reword a little and add a disclaimer (they can take advantage of my special or UL's). I'll need to sit down and figure out more specials to have during the year. I figure if I can get a hotel or business to make a purchase, they could be repeat customers. Do things like buy canvas, paint it and get certain embellishments for a certain price. Maybe they'd also agree to let me leave my business cards there to get other business. We'll have to see how this mailing goes - once I get envelopes that is! lol
Today is a busy day and I just wanted to stop buy and let people know about the great deal! Stop by and check out what we have to offer! I did upgrade and you can put in your order right on my site.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Snow storm on the way!!
This is actually the same storm that hit us the other day (or, did it miss us the other day? lol), and it's coming back for round 2, but it's bringing attitude this time! That's ok, I just have to get diapers (oh yeah, I have to walk since my car needs inspection, and dh has to work). The rest of the day I plan to clean and get my copy order in. Get all of my business letters done, coloring contest pages done (I'll even put them in doors of the neighbor houses with kids), and do a new Vista Print order. I can use my blog address for my new cards instead of having different cards for 4 different things. Plus I can add my webstore on there! I'll have to figure out what I want on the post cards. Maybe about fundraising, or get a special gift for having a certain $$ order. I have to check the UL blog, but it looks like a buy 2 get 1 free deal going on! Plus Monday starts credit card orders on my site!! Woohoo!!! People will be able to check out the online catalog and goodies online and shop whenever they feel like. With the weather we've been having, that should be a good thing!
Noah's Ark is coming out with a new animal June 1st. A cute blue hippo. I think it would be great for baby boys! The Bella Beads should be live soon also. They're like the Pandora beads, but more affordable. Beads starting at $15. I have pictures posted on here with the beads we have available. No new news on the Bella Bee, but they are supposed to do away with some of their flavors and stick with one. I'd like to see 2, if only for a choice.
I need to find a way to make up a flyer for Greeting Cake Co. I'd love to make one highlighting the study boxes as I'm surrounded by colleges! Just need a working car and I could go post flyers on their bulletin boards. Not sure how to get a flyer in with their welcome pack (for incoming students), but that would be great! Nothing perishable, and the cakes are microwavable.
I need to get some sleep. I'll post some new pictures tomorrow along with my auctions update. I opened a store on webstore just to keep my postings in one place. Here's to hoping I get some sales!
Noah's Ark is coming out with a new animal June 1st. A cute blue hippo. I think it would be great for baby boys! The Bella Beads should be live soon also. They're like the Pandora beads, but more affordable. Beads starting at $15. I have pictures posted on here with the beads we have available. No new news on the Bella Bee, but they are supposed to do away with some of their flavors and stick with one. I'd like to see 2, if only for a choice.
I need to find a way to make up a flyer for Greeting Cake Co. I'd love to make one highlighting the study boxes as I'm surrounded by colleges! Just need a working car and I could go post flyers on their bulletin boards. Not sure how to get a flyer in with their welcome pack (for incoming students), but that would be great! Nothing perishable, and the cakes are microwavable.
I need to get some sleep. I'll post some new pictures tomorrow along with my auctions update. I opened a store on webstore just to keep my postings in one place. Here's to hoping I get some sales!
Bella Beads,
Bella Bee,
Greeting Cake Co,
Noah's Ark,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Still listing
So far I have 34 listings on Not bad! For whatever reason I can't get my pictures to load for my auctions, but I'm mainly listing curriculum books right now. I'll contact them tomorrow and see if we can figure out why my pictures aren't showing up on my auctions. I listed a few bras (and have a TON of clothes to list), and I'd like the pictures for them.
Waiting on March 1st!! That's when Uppercase Living will accept credit card orders from the demonstrator sites! I'm hoping to get a few orders from that. Not everyone can have a party, or they just want something for themselves, or they live out of state. Now they can order from me and I get the credit!! Woohoo! If Greeting Cake Co. would let us have a free link like most other places I'd be in really good shape with my businesses! Get them all linked up here and just do Vista Print goodies with this info and my email. I should look into getting a cell phone this weekend. My oldest ds and I both need them. Mine would be for business and emergency use (when I'm out without kids and they need me for whatever reason). My ds needs his to call for rides - but, then again, we don't have a working vehicle right now!
Okay. I've had my break. I'm going back to listing some more. Please stop by and check it out. It's totally FREE to sell there!
Waiting on March 1st!! That's when Uppercase Living will accept credit card orders from the demonstrator sites! I'm hoping to get a few orders from that. Not everyone can have a party, or they just want something for themselves, or they live out of state. Now they can order from me and I get the credit!! Woohoo! If Greeting Cake Co. would let us have a free link like most other places I'd be in really good shape with my businesses! Get them all linked up here and just do Vista Print goodies with this info and my email. I should look into getting a cell phone this weekend. My oldest ds and I both need them. Mine would be for business and emergency use (when I'm out without kids and they need me for whatever reason). My ds needs his to call for rides - but, then again, we don't have a working vehicle right now!
Okay. I've had my break. I'm going back to listing some more. Please stop by and check it out. It's totally FREE to sell there!
I'll be posting a *lot* for sale over there in the next few days. We have to come up with a large sum of money, and while my sales won't touch that amount, it will help declutter the place. If you feel led, I'm shelszoo over there. I could also use your prayers while we go through this.
Friday, February 12, 2010
The weekend
The weekend is almost here! Not quite sure why I'm happy for the weekend, it just means my dh will be home (which I like), but, I still have a list to work through. I am working on a few specials to put on here. I can tell you Noah's Ark is having a special. Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, and the Dinos are on sale! Bella Beads is about to launch (similar to Pandora beads, but you won't have to get a loan to outfit your bracelet).
I'm working on business letters with a page of expressions to send out. I'm looking to get some businesses interested in Uppercase Living. Decorate the walls, plus we have expressions they can use for sales, greeting and more.
Still trying to get a bit more organized here. *sigh* Not sure I'm going to get there, but I'm striving for a bit of an easier time when I go to look for something. Lots going on here with schooling (where we are more or less organized) and renovations. Not to mention 17.1" of snow! More on the way - yeah!!
Starting March 1, you'll be able to buy Uppercase Living from my website! I'm really looking forward to that since I have people that aren't local that would like to buy from me. Go check out my site and see what we have to offer. I *love* this product! It's not just for walls. I did some glass blocks and put lights in them. Instant night light. Put it on a board, and a holiday expression can be used for years to come. Picture frames, buckets, pools, decks, rocks (put a monogram on a rock), tablecloths (don't pull the fabric), and more! You're really only limited by your imagination!
I'm working on business letters with a page of expressions to send out. I'm looking to get some businesses interested in Uppercase Living. Decorate the walls, plus we have expressions they can use for sales, greeting and more.
Still trying to get a bit more organized here. *sigh* Not sure I'm going to get there, but I'm striving for a bit of an easier time when I go to look for something. Lots going on here with schooling (where we are more or less organized) and renovations. Not to mention 17.1" of snow! More on the way - yeah!!
Starting March 1, you'll be able to buy Uppercase Living from my website! I'm really looking forward to that since I have people that aren't local that would like to buy from me. Go check out my site and see what we have to offer. I *love* this product! It's not just for walls. I did some glass blocks and put lights in them. Instant night light. Put it on a board, and a holiday expression can be used for years to come. Picture frames, buckets, pools, decks, rocks (put a monogram on a rock), tablecloths (don't pull the fabric), and more! You're really only limited by your imagination!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Bella Beads
Now showing our online catalog of Bella Beads. Similar to the Pandora beads, ours are more budget friendly and still gorgeous. If you have a Pandora bracelet, our beads will fit. You can sign up to sell just the Bella Beads (without selling the Noah's Ark or Bella Bee) if you chose. Don't have the money up front? I will send you the paperwork to have a catalog party and "sponsor" you to start your business. I just ask for 10% of the sales, the rest would go towards your kit! Not everyone offers this - and you must email me telling me you're interested. for anything business related please! Trying to keep organized with my emails - and hoping it spreads out into other parts of my life. Take some time and look at the beads. Imagine your bracelet. Make your wishlist. Enjoy your weekend!

I've been busy lately getting together some donations. I was contacted by a Park and Recreation Department for a donation for their bingo/ Chinese auction. I have someting from Greeting Cake Co. and Uppercase Living ready, just need to figure out something from Noah's Ark. Maybe one of the Bella Beads of choice? Then I have another bingo donation coming up soon. The second one is for a little boy with Stoneman's Disease. That needs to be together by the beginning of March.
My gmail is till giving me fits. Guess I better let them know I keep freezing up/ getting kicked off when I try to read my mail. It's kept me from contacting some people about parties! I did make a new email tonight *just* for the businesses. Figured I should make it easy to remember for me!
Hope everyone is ready for the snow. I plan to hole up with my kids and work on some business letters and stuff. Try to get a jump start for when the warmer weather starts. Maybe do some patio parties! Show places Uppercase Living can be used outside the home.
Have a great weekend everyone!
My gmail is till giving me fits. Guess I better let them know I keep freezing up/ getting kicked off when I try to read my mail. It's kept me from contacting some people about parties! I did make a new email tonight *just* for the businesses. Figured I should make it easy to remember for me!
Hope everyone is ready for the snow. I plan to hole up with my kids and work on some business letters and stuff. Try to get a jump start for when the warmer weather starts. Maybe do some patio parties! Show places Uppercase Living can be used outside the home.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ideas for another kitchen backsplash.

Different holiday board ideas.

For your bathroom

Redoing your kitchen? Great idea for your backsplash.
I finally was able to get into my gmail tonight. For some reason I cannot get into my gmail without it freezing or kicking me offline. *sigh* So, I managed to get into a couple of emails I needed for bingo's coming up that I'm giving a donation. One is for a little boy with Stoneman's Disease (where his body is turning into "stone" - I believe it's the connective tissue that's affected). The second is for Parks and Recreation in a neighboring Borough. I need to really figure out what all to donate. I have 4 businesses I can donate from, but I do know I'd need to do a couple of small orders. I'll see what I have on hand before I order anything!
While in my gmail I managed to get the phone number of a lady that wants a Noah's Ark party. Let's hope she still wants it - her number has been held hostage by my email:( The company called me tonight about giving out my phone number, and I told them to just give my other email. I don't feel comfortable giving out my home phone, especially since my kids have been really rammy lately (running and carrying on like wild animals for the most part).
Since it started snowing tonight I guess tomorrow will mainly be spent indoors. I can't burn since most of the wood will be wet from the snow, so that leaves my major list of things to get done inside. If I get bored or overwhelmed, I can always look for things to do on vacation. Places to stay (not sure where to stay yet, but we get a condo since we're a family of 8), a couple of things to do (mainly just going to enjoy the beach), and look for coupons for food/ things to do.
Going to add more pictures to show off our products. Enjoy:)
Monday, February 1, 2010
More pics for Uppercase Living

Nice for a classroom. Can leave off the pics for a regular classroom.

Can also be done in blue. Really cute for a baby's room

nice teacher gift

Nice name plaque

Nice for a new homeowner or newlywed couple.

Nice platter with the 4 basic food groups - according to women!

Welcome sign. Great for new home owners, gifts from realtors, or just a nice sign for your home.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
So I asked some friends if they knew of anyplace to sell online for free, and I was told to try here. Put up some books, and I'll get the pics up tomorrow. Also planning to get up more auctions then too. I have more than enough to sell and I'd really like to clear out this place a bit. I didn't get as much done this weekend as I'd hoped due to a headache after I came home from wrestling Saturday. Really thinking it has something to do with the humidifier not working right here.
Sorry this is such a short post, but I promise to come back and add more pictures for UL and update my auction status. Can't drive since the car needs inspection now, so I better get alot done inside!
Sorry this is such a short post, but I promise to come back and add more pictures for UL and update my auction status. Can't drive since the car needs inspection now, so I better get alot done inside!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I heard back from Lifechurch's orphanage site and they're welcoming any money right now to help with their moving the orphanage. I do hope to post pictures later tonight to show the special from Noah's Ark with the bears and heart shirts. Uppercase Living has a lot to offer, so I'm just going to load some pictures and let you go to my site to look at the rest. Greeting Cake Co has some great study boxes for students going through exams right now! Just remember to use my Rep # so I can get the credit and donate the money to Lifechurch.
I need to go do a few things, but I'll be back and add pictures and more information on the fundraiser.
I need to go do a few things, but I'll be back and add pictures and more information on the fundraiser.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I finally managed to email the Lifechurch orphange site about the fundraiser. Tomorrow I'll spend time uploading photos for each here - if I can figure out where to put them! I'm not the most computer literate person, and I'd rather not have to ask one of the teens.
I'm thinking I'll call the church itself tomorrow about the fundraiser. Once I sit down and figure out how much they would get for orders from each business. For Uppercase Living it's a straight 20% of the retail total, Enchanted Potions is 25% of the retail total. Noah's Ark actually has 3 party plans in one, but should be a straight 20% of the retail total. Greeting Cake Co. gives $2.25 per cake sold, but I'd like to sell a few study boxes - they're really nice and would be great for anyone who has a child or knows someone in college.
I've been looking at blogs, and feeling really blah about this one! I'm hoping to learn how to make this one stand out - whenever I can find the time! lol
Time for bed. I have a list longer than my arm to finish tomorrow... Until then...
I'm thinking I'll call the church itself tomorrow about the fundraiser. Once I sit down and figure out how much they would get for orders from each business. For Uppercase Living it's a straight 20% of the retail total, Enchanted Potions is 25% of the retail total. Noah's Ark actually has 3 party plans in one, but should be a straight 20% of the retail total. Greeting Cake Co. gives $2.25 per cake sold, but I'd like to sell a few study boxes - they're really nice and would be great for anyone who has a child or knows someone in college.
I've been looking at blogs, and feeling really blah about this one! I'm hoping to learn how to make this one stand out - whenever I can find the time! lol
Time for bed. I have a list longer than my arm to finish tomorrow... Until then...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Fundraiser for Haiti
By now I'm sure you've all seen the devastating pictures from Haiti. I've felt so helpless, but decided to hold a fundraiser with my businesses. I will donate 20% of the retail total from orders credited to my account (so I'd have that money to give) from my businesses that are listed. The money will be donated to Lifechurch in Allentown. They have an orphange in Haiti and sent people there with supplies and will send more in a few weeks. I'm hoping to be able to give them a check before they send their next group of volunteers. If you have any problems, please email me I try to check this one throughout the day.
Thanks everyone!
Thanks everyone!
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