Wednesday, January 26, 2011


And it's snowing like mad outside! My dear sweet hubby was asking earlier why some towns called a snow emergency. Tried to tell him the bulk of the storm was coming tonight, but what do I know? Yep, he can't get out of the parking lot! lol
I got an order in for citric acid and cheese powder!! Woohoo!! Means I can do up my bath salts/ bath bombs this weekend. The cheese powder is for potato soup in a jar. I have a show coming up right before Valentine's, and I'm hoping to have some gift in a jar's done, treasure jars (for kids), journal jars, plus a bunch of bath stuff and pet treats made up. Trying to figure out the timeline since I can't do the pet treats too early. I'll also be doing some chocolate pretzel rods, chocolate covered pretzels, and possibly chocolate pops.
Things are starting slow this year. Then again, I didn't start last yeat until late. Not sure when things really get going with shows. Only 1 for February right now. Maybe 2 for March. I'll be doing an email campaign for Noah's Ark new lines, and I'll be passing out the new Uppercase Living mini's once I get them. I have to do a new Vista Print order. Hmmm... Maybe tomorrow. I know I need a bunch of stuff. Probably do 2 orders and take advantage of their free items. Just have to figure out what all I'll get, for which business, and what I'll get for the Shelszoo Superstores part. I'd love to do a website for that, but I have no clue how! lol Which could explain why my blog is so bland. One day!!
One big piece of news is Uppercase Living sign up for $55 until Thursday 1/27 to celebrate their 5th anniversary! $141.60 in product plus a $25 product credit all for $55!! That's a $44 savings, and a great way to start off the new year! There's quite a few ways to promote this product - and I'll be working on stepping it up once I get new tires and can drive safely in this wacky weather. *grin*
I'm hoping to add more pics on here this week. The new Noah's Ark lines and when they're available, new Uppercase Living mini catalog, Greeting Cakes for the different holidays plus stuff I'm making.

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