Sunday, May 15, 2011


I haven't posted since March?? Jeez! I better work on my to do lists a bit better! Maybe start doing up weekly lists with daily goals listed. I honestly just don't have enough hours in the day to get my stuff done - and I have to add a night shift job to all this! Well, only if we plan to continue to eat and have electricity. No biggie! lol
Been working on expanding what I do. Not only do I do 3 direct sales, I've added towel and diaper cakes and some other crafts to the mix. Helps that I can do craft only shows now. Would love to get into some consignment shops, but I just don't have the money to spend on the stuff I need to make everything to put in the shops! It's a no win situation right now. Maybe if I can actually get some sales I can use some of that to make extra goodies to sell. Guess we'll see the next couple of weeks.
The weather this week is going to be rainy - again! So I guess I can work on organizing my work stuff. Too many reusable shopping bags being used ( and they're ripping). Would love to get some 31 bags, but again, need sales first! Talk about the never ending circle!! I can also work on lining up more shows, and reworking some stuff. Going to start listing on (my store is shelszoo there). Got some school books, kids clothes, my clothes, and some other stuff that really has to find new homes. The extra money will come in handy - gas prices don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.
If you care to check out my goodies, I'm Shelszoo Superstores on facebook! Now I have to get busy folding clothes and doing some things from my to do list! lol

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